Independent Research

Q Magazine is a magazine which I read quite often. It is a popular music magazine which is published monthly. It is published by the Bauer Media Group and was first published in 1986. The magazine has a review section which features new music releases,music compilations,film and concert reviews as well as radio and television reviews. Every other month, the magazine has a special edition either about musical times, genres or an influential musician. This is done to get more people to buy the magazine. Sometimes promotional gifts are given out such as CDs or books. Q Magazine has a close relationship with Glastonbury Festival producing both a free daily newspaper on site during the festival and a review magazine available at the end of the festival.
ONLINE Vs PRINT Which do you prefer, online media, or printed media? Personally, I prefer printed media based on my own personal preferences, but many demographics like online media. An advantage of printed media (and a reason why I like it) is the fact that you can keep printed copies (magazines) as a memory. The idea of picking something up and flicking through the pages, attract people. It is more memorable to turn the pages and read each article. You are also able to rip pages out to keep, with magazines unlike with online magazines. Printed magazines are easy to refer back to, as you know where each article is, whereas it's harder to find exactly what you want online. A disadvantage of printed magazines would be having to actually get out of the house, walk all the way to a shop and buy a magazine (it costs you aswell). Also, printed magazine aren't environmently friendly, as once you've read them, you usually chuck them away. Although Online media is quicker to access and often free, what happens if you don't have a computer or smartphone to access it on? Even though technology is improving and developing all the time, not everyone has the opportunity to access it. Another disadvantage of Online magazines would be the fact that it isn't very reliable and it takes forever to find what you actually want.
CD's Vs DOWNLOADS I own many CD's. However as the years have gone by, my excitement for CD's have gone. I remember the first time I received my Steps CD which I got for my birthday, I felt so happy. However nowadays, if I want to listen to my favourite song, it is so much easier to just type in the song to youtube, instead of having to find the CD. Also, CD's are becoming more and more expensive as not many people are buying them anymore. I'm not completely against CD's as I have a massive CD collection at home. The collection includes, CD's my mum and dad used to like when they were younger aswell as the CD's I used to like listening to when I was little. I love looking through and seeing what music I've liked over my life. So even though music is cheaper and easier to get through downloading, CD's are more memorable. Also, its nice to remember the day you bought the CD.
TOP OF THE POPS MAGAZINE In primary school I used to read Top Of The Pops Magazine. It is published monthly by BBC Magazines. It includes chart information, star gossip, fashion and beauty advice, quizzes, song lyrics and posters. It is a supplementary magazine for the TV Show Top Of The Pops. The magazine rounds up all of the current pop music and bands scaling the charts. The target audience is pop crazy teen girls as it contains interviews, posters and details of the stars. It also contains other teen requirements like fashion, boys and make up.
POP MUSIC I love pop music. When I was younger, my favourite band was Steps. I still listen to them at home as they have upbeat songs and don't have lyrics with swearing, like rappers have today. Pop music keeps me grounded and I enjoy listening to it because the lyrics to many pop songs make me happy. They put you in a good mood and are easy to sing along to. There are many pop artists including Michael Jackson,Madonna and many more. Pop music is a genre of popular music which originated in its modern form in the 1950's. As genre, pop music is very electric, often borrowing elements from other styles such as urban, dance, rock.

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